Benefits of Membership
Membership pays!
MEA-RETIRED offers--
- The CLARION Newsletter 6 times per year
- Advocacy in the Legislature on issues of importance
- Representation on the Board of Trustees of the Maine Public Employees Retirement System (MainePERS)
- Information on current issues and programs
- The right to participate in a retiree's dental insurance plan.
- Recognition for leadership volunteer community service
- Liaison with MEA, NEA-Retired, AARP/NRTA, HEAR (Higher Ed) and your county retired association
- Discounts on optical and hearing aid services
MEA offers--
- THE MAINE EDUCATOR publication
- Legislative advocacy by staff and officers on behalf of retired educators
- A voice and vote in the MEA Representative Assembly (MEA RA)
- Representation on the MEA Board of Directors and its standing committees
- Representation on the MEA Benefits Trust which negotiates the terms of our health insurance
- Participation in special services benefits
NEA-Retired offers--
- Membership available through monthly deductions or Lifetime Membership
- NEAToday for NEA-Retired members, the NEA magazine
- Legislative advocacy before Congress on behalf of retired educators (including Social Security Offset)
- Opportunities to attend conferences and training
- A vote and a voice at the NEA-Retired's annual meeting and NEA RA
- Most services available to active members